Friday 14 October 2011

Protect your PC agianst virus and worms Attack

Today Internet is part of our daily life. We use it in our computers, cell phones, tablets and other hand held devices. Hackers uses Internet to access into those devices. So, what is hacking? Hacking simple means get access to a file in a different way then conventional way. For example, to open a PC's word file, you just double click on it, on the other hand a hacker would use his software to break into your firewall and get access to that file. So simply, hacking is obtaining information in a non conventional way.
WORMS: Hackers use multi-layers attacks, such as chat message whick shows a web page infected with a Trojan horse. Worm finds out the weak point of a PC and reports back it to that hacker. The hackers then quickly assembles Malware (milicious software) and attack that PC before pople can fix it.
MALWARE:It opens up back door of a infected system and hacker direct access to that hijacked computer. Then the hacker can access to that PC's any file and steals information. Even if they don't find any valueable information in that PC, the hacker can upload milicious software to tht infected PC and make it a 'BOT' to use in criminal activities or use your PC to launch a DOS (denial of service) attack to a server.
VIRUS:It's a software like other programs. It mostly spread by emails and if you go to certain web pages. It gets into your PC and observe all programs and when it get chance it attacks your operating system. It mostly erase datas and information in your PC or crush tht PC. It's build do damage your PC.
SPYWARES:Hackers use spywares to spy on your PC. It's a program that will seat in your PC and you won't even know it, meanwhile it collects information and data of your PC and e-mail it to the hacker. Hi-tech hackers use this olto. Every single thing you type on your keyboard would be recorded by spywares.
P2P Network: p2p (peer to peer) networking become the ground zero of viruses, malwares and spywares. One of the most dangerous features of many P2P programs is the “browse host” feature that allows others to directly connect to your computer and browse through file shares. P2P accidently may record your password, bank informaton, credit card information etc. Hackers upload music, movies, songs etc. and put Trojan horse inside it. So, when you download a song or movie from p2p network there are possibilites that, it got viruses in it. Viruses in P2P files are capable of weaving their way through as many users as they can, stealing information and delivering it to hacker who forge identities and commit fraud.

Picture of an infected PC

How to protect your PC

1:Protect your PC with a strong well known anti virus softwares like Norton, Webroot, Mcafee etc. Make sure it contains anti-spyware, anti-spam, anti-pishing tools, and it's own firewall. There are several good anti virus free softwares like Avast, Microsoft's anti virus etc. I personally prefer Webroot and Mircrosoft's anti virus. Norton is good but it slows down your PC up to 50%. When you buy or download a free anti virus software make sure it contains all features mentioned above.
2: Do not use P2P (peer to peer) softwares. Do not download free songs or movies or go to illegal sites. Most free porn sites are infected with viruses. Do not download free porn.
3:Scan your PC at least couple of times in a week and thorough scan once in a week. Delete or disable infected files from your PC.
4:Update your windows operating system, put the settings on auto update. Always update your anti virus software too.
5:Go to START>RUN>type msconfing a box will appear, click on Startup button, it will show you all programs running in ur PC. If u see anything suspicious disable it.
6:Open a Limited account like a guest account and use that account most of the time so that even if u get infected only that limited account will be hacked and that hacker wont have access to your administrative account.
7: Do not open attachment of an e-mail unless you know that person who sends it.
8: If u see u have been hacked turn off your modem and call the anti-virus company, you are using.
9: Use a good ISP like verizon, netzero etc. Try not to use Comcast because hackers hacked several times and use Comcat's ip for proxy or botnet (a milicous software to infect other PCs).
Finally, there is no such thing as 100% secure network or PC, there will be always few weak points. Even hackers break into Pentagon's computers. Hackers mostly attack big companies or financial corporations because tht's what they do for living. Follow those 9 steps and I hope your PC will be fine. Happy Surfing!!!